Wednesday 21 September 2016


Dear parents/carers. As you may be aware, I am the year 8 Visual Arts teacher. As your child's teacher, I would like to invite you to view this blog to further educate yourself and your child on the safe and ethical use of information and communication technology (ICT). I have created this blog to actively engage you in your child’s learning as well as provide you with access to resources and information to ensure your child stays safe when using technology.

Please use the navigation bar on the left to explore this blogs content pages
  • General capabilities
  • Incorporating ICT in our Visual Arts classes
  • Resources, tips and parent information

Communicating with you!
This blog is aiming to be a communication platform with parents/carers and answer any questions so please feel free to leave any queries or feedback in the comments section below.
ICT can be a great resource when used appropriately!