Incorporating ICT in our Visual Arts tasks

Over the course of this topic, students will be using ICT in a range of ways to develop their skills and better understand safe and ethical ICT practices. They will be using computers and the internet to research a number of topics for both a written piece and to explore ideas for their own pieces, to create their own works on programs such as Photoshop, create and add to an online visual art diary and develop a better understanding of academic integrity and digital footprints.

“Impressionist art” study

This assessment task is designed to address the year 7/8 art content descriptor for ICT capabilities as well as a number of other content areas.
For each part of this assignment students will need access to a computer and internet. Time will be allocated in class and these facilities will be made available at lunch. However, if additional time is needed and your child does not have access to these facilities, they may need to visit their local library.

Table by: Lexi Bignell

Task 1. of this unit will involve setting up a Gmail account to use google blogger. For this students must come up with an appropriate email address such as first and last name (eg. lexi.bignell) and create a strong but memorable password. For tips on passwords, please see 'Resources, tips and parent information' section.

Get extra help on: Click below for tutorials

Google blogger


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